Looks like someone beat me to it! → https://github.com/shiguredo/lyra-wasm
Just found another → https://github.com/neuvideo/lyra-js
IIUC, the above-linked repos are direct Emscripten ports of the C++ Lyra code - so they don’t use TFjs-TFLite or ONNX Runtime Web. They seem to work great, so I’ll probably not update this repo unless it turns out it’d be handy to have a WebGL version, or if there’s reason to believe that using TFjs-TFLite or ONNX Runtime Web would be significantly faster in general.
Lyra V2 (SoundStream) running in the browser.
WIP Web Demos:
- https://josephrocca.github.io/lyra-v2-soundstream-web/onnx-simple.html
- https://josephrocca.github.io/lyra-v2-soundstream-web/tflite-simple.html
- https://josephrocca.github.io/lyra-v2-soundstream-web/onnx.html
- https://josephrocca.github.io/lyra-v2-soundstream-web/tflite.html
Currently blocked by:
- TFLite-to-ONNX conversion process is producing a LyraGAN ORT model which doesn’t have matching outputs between ONNX Web and ONNX Python runtimes at inference. https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/issues/13670
- TFLite “VAR” ops conversion issues? https://github.com/onnx/tensorflow-onnx/issues/2059#issuecomment-1317139150 and https://github.com/google/lyra/issues/99#issuecomment-1318229554
- tfjs-tflite:
- Errors (and infinite loop if cross-origin isolated) on soundstream_encoder: https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs/issues/7055
- https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs/issues/6094#issuecomment-1267870990 (can likely work around this by running each in its own worker, or worst case, in its own iframe)
TFLite-to-ONNX conversion:
- https://colab.research.google.com/gist/josephrocca/401efe82bf18ffe93d5f3deca7ed7515
Inference Comparison:
- Python ONNX: https://colab.research.google.com/gist/josephrocca/605006bbeb49df6c9ab7efd18a9cdd0d
- Web ONNX: https://josephrocca.github.io/lyra-v2-soundstream-web/onnx-simple.html
- Python TFLite: https://colab.research.google.com/gist/josephrocca/ba3021195dfb4f91ffc7898cea6f8596
### Models:
- ONNX: https://huggingface.co/rocca/lyra-v2-soundstream/tree/main/onnx
- ORT: https://huggingface.co/rocca/lyra-v2-soundstream/tree/main/ort
- TFLite: https://huggingface.co/rocca/lyra-v2-soundstream/tree/main/tflite
- Update this thread RE correctness when you have both tflite and onnx working.